The Bubble...

If you work with me I teach you about the bubble you create around you and your horse. It is what keeps the horse focused and WITH you and not worried about the world.

It is cultivated by both training and mindset approach.

I received this lovely message from a client who has gone from someone lacking confidence to someone now set free because of the skills and understandings she has been dedicated to mastering.

Let her words inspire you

"Morning Shelley, Just a little update on myself and how far I have come. YOU have cracked my shield that I had built around myself and I am slowly but surely coming out. I bit the bullet and on the weekend and did a dressage clinic. You know how far out of my comfort zone doing a clinic is, let alone a dressage one. I just wanted to get my foot in the door at the local riding club. Well, I decided I had a friend to confide in (Charlie) and so I wouldn't be alone. He knows me better then most people so I knew all would be okay. WELL....what I discovered over the weekend was something I never thought would happen. It wasn't until I got home Saturday night and saw some video footage that I realised. I was so focused on just Charlie and myself and what we were doing that everything else was a blur. I didn't watch other people riding around me. I had no idea of their riding ability or what their horses where doing. I knew where they were in relation to me riding around them but that was it. Usually I would be anxious about how I rode, what I looked like, was I good enough, can I do it etc, etc, etc. You know it all. All the self doubt and criticism we females are able to come up with. Because of this change in myself Charlie was perfect. New environment, strange horses, rain pelting down on the roof. Just perfect. The biggest insight I got from the weekend was how far I have come within myself. I could feel my old self coming back. This self has been gone a LONG LONG LONG TIME. I believe it has slowly been fenced in over the years and a protective barrier put in place but now it is broken and a better me...the old strong confident me... is slowly but surely breaking free."


