I love this photo I took at my last clinic as it is two chilled horses - one from a western world and the other from the dressage world.

I don't do a "discipline", I specialise in handing people control of the operating system that all disciplines are built on - the horse's foundation.

There is a knack to this foundation building process though and some cool stuff I have worked out over the years that make a big difference to people. Many of these things are hard to identify or poorly explained or described.

Here is just 10 of these things I have discovered and teach:

1) What "feel" is and how to get horse's to "follow it" and identify IF they are following it well.

2) What is a "bubble" and how to cultivate it.

3) How to get a horse to "network" with you and use you as the "filter" to the world.

4) Why you have to "look up and ride somewhere".

5) How to identify the best "starting point" for an individual horse.

6) How to start with a low bar of expectations and when and how to raise it.

7) How, why and when to be a "computer program" and "Tai Chi Master" .

How to get a horse to think "is that it? - I can do that!" and why that is important.

9) Who you really need to be for your horse and why you can be that person quite easily.

10) How to accept the emotions of horses and how not to be afraid of them.

I have a busy schedule for the rest of the year but I really enjoy showing people how to be super effective with horses.


