is your horse labelled nervous?

The nervous horse that could only be ridden in an arena in nice weather.

This was Astro’s label he came with when he was purchased. His owner Lisa, found him nervous but 2 months ago came along to one of my clinics to see what she could do about that.

This photo is of Astro and his haul of winnings from his a show on the weekend 🙌🏆♥️🤩…..because I did show Lisa what to do and she has nailed it!!

I asked her to explain in her own words how she had achieved this change:

“So proud of him. It was a wet, windy then hot day and he just took it all in his stride ❤️❤️🐎. I just kept with the same system. If he felt like he was getting a bit upset or agitated I would just hop off and go back the start. And giving him a direction on where to go and what to do has been the biggest help. I feel in myself I am so much more in control and so much more relaxed because I know what to do if he gets worried about anything 🐎. I find he copes so well knowing I'm letting him know I'm there for him and with him all the way ❤️”.

Thank you Lisa for allowing me to share your story ♥️

When you are struggling with a horse, you just need find out the insights you are missing to help them 🐴♥️.


supporting your horse through soundness issues


Some horses can be rehabilitated