Some horses can be rehabilitated

Some horses cannot be rehabbed - but sometimes they can!

This is Ding and she has ticked a lot of boxes on the "problem horse list". She has been everything from "bronc" to "broken".

But her owner, Annette has never given up on her. She has meticulously unpicked her. Found her physical issues. Focused on Ding's health, gave her time to heal and then slowly and carefully brought Ding back into work. Annette then found Ding's happy place out on the trails and the showjumping arena.

Then last week she did something extraordinary.

Annette and Ding got invited by the very talented Louise Crosby in WA to participate in a 16 horse formation ride as part of an entertainment display at Perth Royal show.

Annette took Ding along to a practice session thinking she would find it a struggle and be a bit too much for her. But nope! Ding proved she could do it! For 8 nights they performed fabulously!

This photo brings happy tears to my eyes. I am so proud of Annette as I know this horse's story. I know every single hurdle Annette has had to climb with Ding and she has tackled each one and has never given up.

Yesterday I shared a post about how some horses cannot be rehabbed...and this is true. But sometimes, with a heck of a lot of work, time, patience and love..they can.


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