The Unspoken May Be the Most Significant

There is something that changes you in profound ways.

And if you are a woman, we don't talk about it...

It is the thing that fogs your mind, makes you burn, makes your heart race, steals your shape and takes you on a roller coaster ride of change.

It happens between the ages of 40-55 years old and you know what I am talking about.

The thing that changes us so much yet we never join the dots of its impact on our horse riding.

I never did, until it was pointed out to me today.

Let me tell you what happened...

Today, I had a good friend tell me about watching back footage of herself from a clinic a few years ago. She was 50 at the time and had completely lost her confidence in her horse.

The clinician just kept saying again and again that he did not understand how she could be worried about her horse!

He said he would happily put his grandmother on the horse!

She looks at the footage recently and she would put a grandmother on the horse too, but she now understands why she was so worried.

She is nearly over the roller coaster ride of change and she is feeling the upheaval in her body settle.

The upheaval that made everything feel worse.

The feelings that had taken small concerns and turned them into overwhelming worry.

Now her body has settled, this has stopped and she can feel it going.

We might recognise the foggy brain, the loss of regularity, the ability to put on weight by breathing, the sweating and burning heat, the palpitations but do we recognise the loss of our confidence?

The magnification of feelings?

There are also the physical changes in our bodies... bodies that are acutely calibrated to our horses. When our bodies change the calibrations go off-kilter and so does our balance.

When your balance goes off, vulnerability triggers alarm.

Maybe if we talked about this...

Maybe if we understood this...

Maybe if we realised what strength rises inside us when it is over...

Maybe that would make a difference?




be careful how you judge a horse