be careful how you judge a horse

Be Careful How You Judge a Horse

This horse anyone would love to own. He is calm, willing, trustworthy and beautifully educated.

But if you met him when he was 6 months old you would have met a horse that had just jump through the front window of a horse trailer and five men struggled to lift him out. He was cut to ribbons .

Today, he gets on and travels perfectly.

If you met him when he was 3 years old you would have met a horse that was petrified of water and being hosed off. So much so he put a trainer in hospital with a broken ankle after running over the top of him when trying to fix his hosing issues.

Today, you can hose him no worries.

If you met him when he was 5 years old, you would have met a horse that didn't canter and panicked.

Today, he has a great canter.

This horse is a great horse because every issue he has had in his life his owner has helped and supported him LEARN how to over come and grow in confidence - whether it was travelling in a trailer, overcoming his hosing phobia, allowing him to develop his canter or all the other things he is great at such as going trail riding or to competitions.

Each of these issues could have had you labelling him dangerous, difficult or problematic.

But he is not these things, he is a great horse.

You might have a great horse too, they just exist in the future after you have found out HOW you need to support them to be a great horse




choosing the horse first and the sport second