the horse and human


I have three main areas of expertise. The first area is getting horses confident about their ability to navigate and work with the humans they are required to interact with. The second area is getting horses confident in performing the activities they are being asked to do. And finally, in teaching people how to do these things!

So I know a great approach for engaging a horse’s attention, teaching them to do and accept things and dropping any negative thoughts and behaviours they might have picked up in their lives. By engaging a horse, teaching it things and getting them to perform movements and activities you can make them fit and physically strong and set up for soundness. This is so they can physically cope with being ridden.

But....there is more to it. You need to work on yourself. You need to work on how you ride. The strength and balance you carry into the saddle. You can have all the understanding and strategies to help horses under the sun but if you impact that horse’s balance and comfort negatively when you ride are seriously going to compromise your chances of helping that horse!

Here is a photo from a clinic. I love doing clinics with my good friend Katrin Kuenstler because she is great at teaching the riding aspect of working well with horses. It is great working together and being able to make changes to the horse, to the person’s training AND their riding position and body.

This is Aileen and her beautiful horse Ronan at our team coaching clinic. Lots of great changes happened and I can’t wait to see how they progress. 🙂 ❤️


Connecting a horse and a human


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