Blaming the Horse...

It is an unfortunate flaw of human nature that we look to blame someone other than ourselves when we get into trouble.

People get into trouble with a horse and immediately we pin the issue on the horse being difficult or having a problem.

Some of us then set about trying to "fix" the horse and its "problems".

Interestingly, if we buy a piano and start learning to play and the music we create sounds terrible it is a little hard to blame the piano for our lack of accuracy in hitting the notes, our lack of rhythm, tempo, melody, harmony and all the other elements that make music beautiful. We tend to accept this, start with easy songs, practice scales and get good at listening to notes and correcting ourselves...we accept practice, we accept the more practice we do the better we get!

However, we fail to see that a horse is responding to our lack of accuracy and consistency in communicating with them, our lack of timing, struggle with feel, tension in our bodies and absence of any direction or harmony in our thoughts...

We get the piano, but we don't get how the same things impact the horse! And a horse, unlike a piano has a mind, heart, and feelings! Therefore, the impact of these things is even more huge!

It is my joy when I am able to take people on a journey and show them the answer to there struggles with a horse lies within themselves. Within their skills, constructed by their timing, feel and harmony in their thoughts...things that are learnt, things that need to be practiced.

So this #MasterItMonday is all about encouraging you to overcome that flaw in your humanness...that you can do great things with a horse when you turn the spotlight on yourself and you accept your role in creating the music in your partnership with your horse

If you have experienced this acceptance...tell me what happened...tell me what you have been able to solve or experience because you turned the spotlight on yourself?


