Dr Shelley Appleton Coaching, Shelly Appleton,

Dr. shelley appleton

Shelley has a doctorate in human learning and combines this with an extensive knowledge of working with horses.

She is a highly skilled horse trainer who can help you solve your frustrations with your horse.

Shelley combines understanding of humans and a lifetime of exposure with horses to provide effective and encouraging coaching to help both horse and rider become more skilled, competent and confident.

Shelley can help remove the frustration and fear out of owning and riding horses and increase your enjoyment. Let her show you how to support your horse to be calm, willing and confident.


To teach people how to set a horse up to be calm, willing and confident you will need the tools to ensure the horse feels comfortable , understands and is motivated to do what is expected.

These tools are:

A KNOWLEDGE BASE to be able to understand the horse and its training in order to make good decisions.

A SKILL SET to both teach, maintain and build on a horse’s training to ensure good communication.

An enhanced AWARENESS OF THEMSELVES in order to pay attention to their decisions , actions and emotions when working with a horse and to correct themselves as necessary.

Success at being able to help a horse be calm, willing and confident is determine by a persons level of competence in these areas.