What Horses Tell You

Horses talk to you and tell you details about themselves in many different ways.

They tell you in their movement, in their muscle development, wastage, conformation, posture, transitions, reactions, gestures, breathing, attention, focus, responses, ability to learn, behaviour, how they stand, carry themselves, brace…and so many other things many people don’t know has meaning…

There are many times people come to me to learn my approach to working with horses only to have me tell them that their horse is showing me that something isn’t right. That they are struggling.

It’s hard.

A horse doesn’t have to be lame to be unsound. Sometimes the problem is not completely restricting their ability but creating a limitation on their performance.

Most people take it well, even though it can be confronting, stressful and devastating news.

There are the rare cases where people get dismissive and offended by my news.

Coaching and training can be a tough gig and I am sure other coaches/trainers at the coal face of helping people and horses, find themselves in similar positions.

Our job is the be the translator and advocate for the horse. Plus, the teacher and mentor to our clients.

But ultimately we are guardian of the relationship that the client dearly wants with their horse.

A relationship is best forged when struggle, discomfort and fear are removed.




What Do You Present to Your Horse?