Never Forget - This is Our Agenda, Not Theirs

Never forget - this is our agenda, not theirs.

This is one of my favourite photos taken from my clinic this week.

It is a lovely image and is representative of the lovely understanding and confidence that is being carefully cultivated within this young mare.

She is learning how to successfully navigate our agenda.

When horses become difficult to work with it means your agenda has become confusing or uncomfortable.

It means the horse is not motivated to participate in your agenda. They become motivated to protect themselves. They might be able to go along for a portion of it, or participate in certain situations. But the struggle makes them inconsistent and unpredictable.

If this happens it means you need to revisit how you construct and cultivate your agenda. How you construct your communication, boundaries, and introduce complexity.

The agenda has to be constructed consciously. You have to be aware of what creates meaning and influences a horse.

If you are feeling lost with a horse, please don’t despair. It just means you need a change to your agenda - and you have total control over that. The only barrier will be your openness to explore different approaches and willingness to find the fairest starting point with your horse.


What Do You Present to Your Horse?


A commitment to Learning