It is really cool when….
It is really cool when ….
I see my client’s horse handling and training skills improve.
I see their riding improving out of sight.
I see my clients growing in confidence.
I see my client’s horses being calm, willing and confident.
However, it is super cool when….
I see my clients making awesome training decisions!
This is Jane and her beautiful brumby mare – Ebony. Jane is an excellent horsewoman in her own right. My role with Jane has been add to her horse training toolbox.
I love this video of Jane cantering a relaxed Ebony around the round yard. I love it so much because this is the THIRD time Jane has decided to go back into Ebony’s foundation to further improve her canter.
To see someone make a training decision to go backwards because they are inspired to make FURTHER improvements – that is very cool and the hardest thing to teach someone ❤️
Go Jane 🙌❤️