

What is classical dressage and is it better than modern dressage?

Ready for a rant?

Ok, there is a reason I have put a photo of music instruments in the photo connected with this post. It is because this question is no different than if someone asked “what is classical music and is it better than modern music”?!

Lets look at the word “classical”. It can relate to ancient Greek or Latin literature, art or culture; or maybe more relevantly - to an exemplary standard with a traditional and long-established form or style. We have been riding horses for thousand and thousands of years and records and writings exists of the beliefs, theories and processes used to train and look after them. The earliest writings on horsemanship are considered to be by the Greek commander Xenophon in 355BC. Therefore, the important words connected with the concept of “classical” are “tradition”, “exemplary standard” and “long established”.

Next, lets look at the reality of “tradition”, “exemplary standard” and “long established” views when it comes to dressage. There are lots! Just take Europe. There are traditional schools in most countries and sometimes more than one! They also changed their “standards” and “why of doing things” over time as each school would be influenced by the various masters that would be put in control and inspire change. There exist different ways of doing things or approaches because various countries or regions worked with different breeds or type of horses. Also, the work or roles expected to be performed by horses was unique to each school. Therefore, when I hear the world “classical dressage” and someone wanting me to comment whether it is somehow “better” than “modern dressage”, I get confused! Just like classical music, classical dressage is full of genres, musicians, albums and songs! There are some authors from this classical period that have inspired me massively but there is some truly barbaric stuff too. Therefore, you cannot generalize the term “classical dressage”. You also cannot generalize “modern dressage”.

Traditional is not better….because “which” tradition are you going to go for? Classical German, Spanish, French etc.? Which school - Vienna, Jerez etc.? Which master - François Baucher, Alois Podhajsky etc.?

Now before my classical dressage friends have a heart attack there is gold when you dig into classical text. Back in these classical “times” the horse played a vital role in providing transport for civilisation and cavalries. The gold is that each line, curve and movement have a purpose in building gymnastic strength in the horse and a way of supporting the rider on their backs that protects the horse from the wear and tear of being ridden. They are not just tricks or clever complicated fancy movements. They are similar to yoga or pilates movements for horses that help develop horse’s bodies so they can be useful modes of transport for as long as possible. They need to be introduced carefully and done correctly or, like bad yoga or pilates, they can be harmful instead of helpful. This can get missed in the “modern” day when we just want to get up the grades in dressage to win ribbons and only have time to ride for a few hours per week.

However, I have also found horse training and management gold when digging into so many things from the “modern” world inside and outside of dressage and also from the understanding of horses from science.

There are great ideas and approaches in both classical and modern dressage spheres. There, are inspiring trainers and practitioners and ones with bad ideas too. In reality, it all comes down to the application of training and the training decisions made as to whether the approach is appropriate or not for the individual horse than whether it is “classical” or “modern”.

If you havent worked out yet, I am annoyed by the whole classical verses modern dressage debate. Because it should not be about the tradition being followed. Every approach should be judge on if the individual horse is being respected to provide it with what it needs to be become a calm, willing, confident, and sound riding horse! This is way more important than if you think classical dressage is superior and modern dressage evil, because that question is not specific enough. Is Bach better than the Beatles? Well the answer to that question remains with the individual and how that music makes you feel!

Same with the original question – is classical dressage better than modern dressage? It depends on how the individual horse feels and that is something YOU are responsible for and not about the label you give your training approach.

I have unscrambled horses trained under all the labels. The number one cause of the horse becoming problematic was people imposing something on the horse based on where it should be up to in some belief system. Or done in a certain way because that was the way it should be done. Fixed beliefs, systems and traditions can create shitty experiences for horses.

The world would be better if we remained focused on general principles of what we need the horse to learn and develop to remain mentally and physically sound and healthy. Sticking to principles is better than sticking to a traditional system or way of doing something. Principles allow us to be open to different ways of helping horses and this allows us to be creative which gives greater flexibility for helping EACH horse.

Rant over….


