I have found nothing removes a person’s frustration with a horse as fast as the idea of sensory soundness and herd dynamics.  It stops people in their tracks and helps them appreciate the horse as a horse.  It gives them a new level of patience and understanding. It is an insight that puts the spotlight on the reality that the horse is a herd animal that naturally struggles being isolated.  This is because horses work collectively with each other to determine whether the situation and environment they are experiencing is safe.  They all have different abilities in identifying potential threat and interpreting how to respond. It is this difference that glues them together.  

Horse’s don’t have our complex minds.  They process and interpret the information that is coming in from their senses – their vision, hearing, sense of smell, sense of touch and proprioceptive awareness of their body position and movement.   The efficiency of their senses and speed of processing is significant when we get on their backs and expect them to perform a task.

Ever had a horse that was funny about light and dark on the ground?  Or would spook at the same things in the arena each day?  Or be great over jumps but struggle in between jumps?  These are all possible examples of a horse that is struggling to process and interpret their environment.

Everyone has heard of physical soundness.  We care that the horse is physically sound and is free of any issue that might lead to it breaking down in the future.  But not everyone has heard of sensory soundness, a term coined by herd dynamic expert Kerry Thomas from THT Bloodstock based in the USA.

 Kerry Thomas has spent over 20 years studying wild Mustang herds and what he discovered about horse herd dynamics he has been able to apply to both selecting horses that have the psychological qualities needed for certain disciplines and also how to help horses that are struggling with performance issues.

Early in 2023, Kerry travelled to Australia and presented a two-day seminar on “Herd Dynamics”.  At this seminar he demonstrated how he assesses and maps a horse’s sensory system to help profile their herd dynamics.  He also demonstrated simple techniques that can be used to tap into and nurture a horse’s sensory abilities.   Similar to physical soundness, you can nurture and improve a horse’s sensory soundness when you realise its relevance!

The seminar was well received and everyone wanted to learn more!  Therefore, Kerry has agreed to return to Australia in November 2023 for three seminars in Victoria, New South Wales and Western Australia.


The seminar is titled “Applied Sensory Soundness” that will delve into the idea of sensory soundness and how it applies practically.  In this seminar Kerry will present with Dr Shelley Appleton who has been utilising the ideas into her training approach and is keen to share what she has learnt.

The event is a seminar and this means that there will be both discussion and demonstrations.   It runs over 2 days. Days start at 9am and will conclude at around 4pm. A number of horses (approximately 6-10) will be needed to be used for demonstration purposes.  Therefore, participants can apply to have their horse’s come along to be the demo horses for the event. 

Please note this is not a “clinic”, it is a seminar educational event. Where you will listen, get to ask questions, get some hands-on practice producing a sensory map and other activities.


Ticket costs are $495ea and are limited and a deposit is required to secure a spot.  When booking you can create an account that will let you make payments.  Final payment is required a month prior to each seminar.  Please read the Payment, Refund and Cancellation Policy when booking in.

4-5 NOVEMBER 2023: Lethbridge Equestrian Centre, 30 Ackland Road, Lethbridge, Victoria 3332.

 11-12 NOVEMBER 2023: Sutton Farm Equestrian Centre, 7530 Illawarra Highway, Sutton Forrest, NSW 2577.

22-23 NOVEMBER 2023: State Equestrian Centre, 303 Cathedral Avenue, Brigadoon, WA 6069.

Booking link:


If you are interested in applying for your horse to be involved in the demonstrations please email and you will be sent an application form.  Horses will not be finalised until a month out from the event.  


  1. Victorian Seminar held in Lethbridge. Lethbridge is approximately 75km (1 hour 15 minutes) from Melbourne Airport. Click HERE to view a range of accomodation located around the venue.

  2. New South Wales Seminar held in Sutton Forrest. Sutton Forrest is approximately 125km (1 hour 30 minutes depending on route) from Sydney Airport. Click HERE to view a range of accommodation located around the venue.

  3. Western Australia Seminar held in Bridgadoon. Brigadoon is approximately 25km from Perth Airport (approximately 25 minutes). Being so close to Perth this opens up a variety of suitable accomodation.


We will create a chat forum closer to the date of the seminar and we hope this might establish friend and travel groups that can help share the costs of transport and accommodation.


Contact for more information about the events.





western australian clinics april 2023