I have something to say and it is important

This is my most shared post.

It is also some of the most meaningful words I have written because it is about a very special horse that had tremendous significance in my life.

This is why it most likely resonates with so many people because it comes from such a deep place within my soul.

It is also one of the most plagiarised of all my posts. In fact, most of the shares have had the photograph of Skuda removed as well as my name. This is because my words have been copied and my post not shared.

Most people get that is actually not legal to do that. It breaches copyright. Even if you copy it and include my name, it is still a breach because you have copied the whole thing without my permission. When you produce content for social media, you have to understand what you can and cannot do. You need to respect the creative work of others.

To the people that want to patronise me and tell me that copying is a form of flattery and that is life on social media...and I need to get over it...I want you to know this...

That isn't your call. For the record I am very used to it and I do get over it. But, I will stand up against it and I will let you know if you have made a mistake and copied my words, knowingly or unknowingly.

These words and this photograph are one. They are this horse and his story. He created in me the knowing I was able to share to you in this post.

Do not invalidate how strongly I feel about this connection.

I will always be generous with my permission to those that seek it.

Thank you to those that ask or tag and show respect.

Thank you to those that correct when they have made an error.

And to the ignorant, disrespectful and entitled few out there that choose to believe it is ok to plagiarise away, ridicule, make excuses or blame - I hope one day you learn better.



I hope one day you meet a difficult horse.

A horse that frustrates you and sometimes says no.

A horse that shatters your dreams and makes you feel hopeless because you cannot solve their problem with what you know.

Why would I wish this upon you?

Because this horse will show you the limitations of your understanding and challenge you to step up and learn.

Sometimes the lessons you will need to learn is to improve your knowledge, skills and self awareness and how you directly impact the horse and make the feel.

You will work hard spending hours in the dust, sun, wind and rain making yourself better to help this horse - and you will do it.

Sometimes the lesson will be one of acceptance that the horse you love and have poured so much time and money into is not sound.

Your heart will break as you now see your difficult horse was just telling you it was struggling.

This horse will teach you to see and know things about horses that you will never be able to un-see or un-know. You will see horses struggling and people (no different than you past self) blind to that struggle.

But this horse will make you a better horsewoman or man, and you will be grateful they came into your life and what they taught you.

The story of you and this horse will always be a hard story to tell. Sometimes when you tell it, you will get tears in your eyes. But it will be one of the most meaningful stories of your life.

You will share this story with others with the hope that it will help them with their horse. So that your horse, can help their horse too.

This is my difficult horse. His name was Skuda and I am grateful what this horse taught me...and if I have helped you with your horse.....well you can be grateful for him too.


